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  • No Profile Picture
    40 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • No Profile Picture
    42 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Woman seeking Men

    i'm looking for man between 25 and 35 years old, fun , outgoing , but most important intelligent .

  • Profile Picture of believers1
    55 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Never half empty, always half full"

    Professional with a romantic fun side... I have spent the past two years traveling; I have been to 8 countries in the past 18 months. Upon returning from my last trip I just felt and feel that I would like to meet someone sweet & beautiful inside an

  • No Profile Picture
    47 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Woman seeking Men
    "Be my friend : )"

    i'm looking for meeting new people and relationship.

  • Profile Picture of madsen123
    48 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of eloquence
    43 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Life is full of surprises, take a chance..."

    I'm currently attending UCLA, my passion is to become a forensic scientist. I'm optimistic and eccentric. I'm willing to try anything once. I want to meet someone that is open-minded, outgoing and enjoy life to the fullest. At the same time determine

  • No Profile Picture
    54 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • No Profile Picture
    50 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Hollar! If your ready for some fun.."

    Some one who's really down to earth!

  • Profile Picture of bostonbrat777
    44 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Not the L.A. type..."

    I'm originally from just outside of Boston. So L.A. doesn't quite feel like home, and I'm not sure it ever will. What brands people wear, what cars they drive, etc...that doesn't interest me. I'm just a down-to-earth guy who's looking to meet other q

  • Profile Picture of lkng4bstfrnd
    62 years old
    Los Angeles, CA
    Woman seeking Men
    "Looking for my Best Friend/Lover"

    The thing that makes me, me. Is my ability to always see the glass half full. I am a serious optimist and choose to always look on the bright side. I have my days but I always bounce back positive. I am creative and like to try new things and meet