Free Long Beach personals

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  • Profile Picture of jeff5214
    64 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Looking for Eve on earth not in"

    I have never done this on line thing before but i wasn't able to find

  • No Profile Picture
    76 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "nysmart.SWM,60,5'2,120,not religious,0 kids,ret,we"

    F.any race,25-50,5'4 max,normal wt,4 long-term rel.

  • No Profile Picture
    44 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of jusudragon
    43 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • No Profile Picture
    61 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Single, Attractive, Succesful Buisness Owner,aWant"

    I am looking for someone who is pretty inside and out. If you already love yourself too much then what do you need me for?

  • No Profile Picture
    40 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • No Profile Picture
    55 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "nice guy looking for fun"

    Nice guy

  • No Profile Picture
    70 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of fitpro3000
    47 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Look No Further"

    What's up ladies I just moved to the LBC and I'm looking to meet knew people for friendship and possibly beyond. I am a reformed bad boy. I met a player greater than me and it was no fun. So now I am a 1 woman guy, but I'm always open for friendship

  • Profile Picture of c22forever
    49 years old
    Long Beach, CA
    Woman seeking Men
    "Slow Down and Enjoy Life!"

    I'm fun loving, active, spontaneous and witty. I'd like some new friends to enjoy the many activies the area has to offer. I'm attracted to goal oriented, responsible, intelligent guys who've yet to shake their childish wild streak. I want to have