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  • No Profile Picture
    56 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Nice-guy looking"

    Looking for someone to get to know, and see what happens

  • No Profile Picture
    41 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Latin Splash"

    I am a somewhat shy at the begining guy that is honest and responsible. I look for someone who enjoys dancing and even just hanging out. I am open to many types of characters and characteristics

  • No Profile Picture
    40 years old
    Houston, TX
    Woman seeking Men
    "Looking for friendship and loyalty above all else"

    My name is Misty, Im 22 years old living in Houston, TX. Im a vwery sweet, cute, fun loving girl who is just looking for a fun time and someone to share that fun time with.

  • Profile Picture of speedracer06
    38 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Headline what headline? is that like a newspaper o"

    Ok myself um, so Im just another guy I guess. Or at least that's what you will think until you get to know me. And what do I expect from Datizen? I'm guessing you get what you pay for - supposedly this is free so, I dont expect much. Im just trying i

  • Profile Picture of carl81
    42 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Looking for someone spend time with"

  • Profile Picture of mercyoffallen
    41 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Great guy looking for friends...maybe something mo"

    I'm a 22 year old guy from the Clear Lake area. I have an odd sense of humor and I'm pretty strange. My friends & I are definitely a bunch of characters. I work at a pizza joint and I throughly enjoy hanging out and watching movies. I'm also up for d

  • Profile Picture of txangel3
    56 years old
    Houston, TX
    Woman seeking Men
    "Frienship No attachment"

    I am a mother of three. I am separated. I am looking for a friend. Someone who is honest, caring, and fun. Honesty is important. Someone who likes children and wants to spend some time with me. Who likes to laugh and have fun.

  • Profile Picture of bassfishngoddess
    56 years old
    Houston, TX
    Woman seeking Men
    "Lets Go..!!"

    Looking for someone to have fun with

  • Profile Picture of rjp074
    49 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women

    I grew up in a big family, I'm describe as being a middle of the road type of guy who does not like to be left hanging. I see myself as that cunning sidekick who has fast & furious moves like Bruce Lee but hits like Mahammad Ali. I'm an out-going pe

  • No Profile Picture
    46 years old
    Houston, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "looking for somebody special who wants something s"

    i'am very easygoing and very family oriented.i would like to meet somebody who is serious about a relationship,companionship,and something meaninigful.