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  • Profile Picture of just4u
    63 years old
    Covina, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Waiting 4 you"

    s/w/m, tall, muscular, very nicely endowed, great oral technique, clean and disease free. Laid back, very open minded. Looking for women of any age, race, shape or size for long adult sessions. Quickies also

  • No Profile Picture
    63 years old
    Covina, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "g/l w/m tall muscular ddf looking for a woman for "

    Im 6'2"tall,185lbs,in shape,ddf,down to earth, outgoing. Looking for that woman that like the outdoors but loves the indoor fun as much as i do.

  • No Profile Picture
    42 years old
    Covina, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Headline? Oh gosh...well i guess if your up to ex"

    I am pretty new to this...and figured might as well give it at shot since it doesn't hurt to try. But I would like to explore whats out there. Good friends are hard to come by these days and I'd like to be one to someone who wouldn't mind being one

  • No Profile Picture
    39 years old
    Covina, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "you fell down the stairs into my arms"

    hmm, i really have no life i guess. i go to school, work, listen to music, and basically just get by. my story really stinks, just like everyone elses i suppose. i've had a good relationship that ended badly, and i suppose i've learned from it. i