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  • Profile Picture of kaytee
    46 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of charweb
    47 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Woman seeking Men
    "Looking, Looking and Looking."

    I looking to meet some people and have a good time. I like to start things out slow. What ever happens, happens.

  • No Profile Picture
    37 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Woman seeking Men

  • No Profile Picture
    66 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women
    "Can you end this loniness that I'm feeling???"

    someone who loving and caring and very affectionate. someone who enjoys being spoiled and pampered.

  • No Profile Picture
    52 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women
    "please keep it real"

    im a young black male looking to meet diffferent people and make new friends cause going thru life you learn new things thru the people that cross your path so if your willing to get to know new people im here .please be real no B.S

  • No Profile Picture
    47 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Woman seeking Men
    "hi im single,sexy and free &also what happenin"

    Im 5"7 175 lbs thick in all the right places smart cute i have shoulder length real hair im told often that im sexy as hell i think so too.Im looking for a single white male who dates black mature women and likes to have a good time & not insecure ab

  • Profile Picture of janesbrogoodguy
    48 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women
    "Funny, kind, smart guy in search of woman with all"

    I'm a good guy--friendly, funny (or so I'm told!) smart, and committed. I've had a couple very long-term relationships, and have been dating lately, but am not interested in meeting a girl in a bar and am not crazy about the ladies my friends & famil

  • No Profile Picture
    49 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Woman seeking Men

  • No Profile Picture
    38 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women

    Honestly I just like meeting new people. Life is to short and im trying to enjoy it and by meeting new people I keep life interesting and fun because im a out going person that likes to have fun. Im smart and I have my goals in life and im pushing ha

  • Profile Picture of 74delta
    37 years old
    Chicago, IL
    Man seeking Women
    "i cant wait to get some responses"

    a cute woman who thinks she can share my interests.