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  • Profile Picture of lilthingsc
    54 years old
    Baytown, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "looking for Fidelity"

    Thanks for taking the time to check out my profile. I'm an intelligent, honest guy of integrity with a great sense of humor and a genuinely HAPPY outlook on life! I enjoy being around people who can converse about different topics, and am eager to ex

  • No Profile Picture
    37 years old
    Baytown, TX
    Man seeking Men

    i like somebody that is outgoing and wants to have fun, somebody thats easy to get along with, likes to be around other people.

  • No Profile Picture
    40 years old
    Baytown, TX
    Woman seeking Men
    "Hello Someone Wonserful Here"

    Well I'm very new to this,but I'm in search of long-term relationship with someone that is God fearing,loving,affectionate,romantic,and Loyal.I don't exspect the perfect man to respond cause there's none perfect one can only strive for that spiritu