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  • No Profile Picture
    71 years old
    Amarillo, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "recent arrival"

    looking for adventure partner, day/road trip explorer

  • Profile Picture of sarge
    74 years old
    Amarillo, TX
    Man seeking Women
    "Lets have some fun together"

    I'm retired from the U.S.Army ( 25 yrs) and now work in private security. I cponsider myself honest,depaendable,and trustworthy. If you have a question,I'll answer it no matter what. I like a good laugh as well as being serious. Depends on the time.

  • No Profile Picture
    48 years old
    Amarillo, TX
    Man seeking Women

    well,i'm a good christian man.i treat everybody with respect.i'm looking for a woman who wants the same thing as i do pretty much.

  • No Profile Picture
    66 years old
    Amarillo, TX
    Woman seeking Men